In your County or Local Election Jurisdiction:
Winning more secure election systems starts from local alliances of election officials and voters like you working together for voter-verifiable voting systems with paper backup and solid audit laws that can catch hacks and errors.
- Sign Up with Secure Our Vote: we will follow up about joining the regular calls to get involved.
- Email Your County Legislators*: Ask Them to Prioritize Funding for Election Security
- Map: Election Security Priorities by State
- Become a Poll Worker: Make a Big Difference Locally
- Take a look at our flow chart: Learn about the basic steps you need to take.
- Check out the more detailed step by step guide about how to secure elections in your community.
*Official titles vary by state – yours may be called County Commissioners, Supervisors, Board Members, Councilmembers or Justices of the Peace depending on your state. Their role is typically funding local elections and oversight of the use of that funding. They do not administer local elections directly.